Sunday, January 27, 2008

Welcome Lynn Brandon

Scotty Portis

Wed, Dec 26, 2007 at 3:27 PM

To: Lynn Brandon


All, we have a new "blogger" with us. None other than that famous field general, play caller, and belly series master of fakery "whose got the ball" Lynn Brandon. Lynn was with the infamous "head hunting, Jackson Highway Gang during his early years before becoming the famous Mustang QB.

Lynn and I had a good time out in his mother-in-laws back yard this afternoon recounting old Mustang victories and retelling old Coach Ward stories. Lynn said," Portis, what was your longest run. I said Lynn you go first (realizing the trap I was entering). Lynn said "I ran a 69 yd TD on Savannah on a right 44 flat pass. We had run the play previously and I had thrown a TD pass to Weldon Bennett. He said this time Savannah was ready for the pass, so I just tucked the ball and ran the 69 yds for the touchdown. I said "Brandon, as slow as you were they probably had time to get the National Guard out to escort you". Anyone who has knowledge of this run please verify it. I told Brandon that I had run the opening kickoff back 85 yds against McKenzie my junior year and "by George" Brandon changed his story about his run first to 79 yrds and then before we left it was 89 yds. What a guy.

Anyway, Lynn welcome aboard and please feel free to add a story about Coach Ward. Also, I know there are others of you out there just waiting to "let loose" now that the holidays are drawing to a close.

Scott Portis

walterlbrown < > Thu, Dec 27, 2007 at 6:11 PM

To: joe fortner ; Scott Portis ….

All Fortner’s runs are greatly enhanced by a conveintently good/bad memory from the day he moved to McKenzie. Or as my maternal grandfather always told me "You know Walter the older I get the higher I could jump when I was a Boy.

Scott Portis < > Sat, Dec 29, 2007 at 4:46 PM

Walter is right. The older we get the better athletes we all become. The TD runs longer and tougher, the tackles (always for loses) more viscous, the blocks that opened the holes cleaner with the opponent always on the ground. Time heals all short comings.

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