Sunday, January 27, 2008

1964 Lexington Game

From: Joe Fortner


Sent: Friday, December 21, 2007 12:21 PM

Subject: Re: Coach Ward

I have enjoyed all of the stories below. This Paul Ward story was during the fall of 1964 season. We were 7-0 and going to play Lexington which was also 7-0. Everyone in town and the coaches had the whole team scarred that we would lose the game. the Jackson Sun picked Lexington to beat us, so much for their predictions. Danny Woodard our quarterback called the play 42 belly, a handoff to Jerry Robinson who ran the football in for a 50 plus yards touchdown. We kicked off to Lexington and they ran 3 plays and punted. First play from scrimmage Woodard called 42 belly again. Robinson ran the football again over 50 plus yards for a touchdown, We kicked off to Lexington they ran 3 plays and punted. Again Woodard called 42 belly and Robinson ran the football in for a touchdown of over 40 plus yards. We kicked off to Lexington they ran 3 plays and punted. Woodard called 42 belly again Robinson ran the football down the field for about 20 yards and fell down before scoring because he was so tired. Paul Ward was on the sideline laughing. I believe we won the game like 42-0.


Joe Fortner


Allan Fesmire said...

I worked at the Jackson Sun sports dept. 1963-5. The editor picked the winners of local games, including the probable winner in the fall of 1964. He covered Jackson High games and another college student and I covered the other games. I covered the 64 Huntingdon-Lexington game that night and, when interviewed by Lexington radio about the prediction, I remember saying I thought it was too optimistic. Not exactly what the local radio man expected. As to the editor's prediction, I had a little more insight into how Lexington performed against the Mustangs. having watched several Ward teams demolish Lexington who were undefeated otherwise.

Dr. Scotty Portis said...

Allan, thanks for your comments concerning the 1964 Mustang-Red Tiger game. Back then Lexington was the "big bad wolf" for Huntingdon. We were always glad for a win against those guys and a blow out was just icing on the cake. As Joe Fortner alluded to, Jerry Robinson personally destroyed them that nite.
Thanks for your blog.

Scott Portis